Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bay Be Mine

Tonight, for the first time in 2008, Zrii Co-Founders attended a Prosperity Meeting in the Bay Area. We did not really know what to expect. We knew that with Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar from our Scientific Advisory Board and frontline IE Jason Domingo on the agenda, we might draw a few people. When well over 100 people packed our meeting room at the Santa Clara Marriott, the little question about the Bay Area was answered convincingly.

We have now completed 7 out of 8 stops on the first leg of our ZriiVost tour, and as you will note in the preceding blog entries, virtually all have had three digit crowds – with several totaling multiple hundreds. And in over half of these markets, we have gone to help build the business in areas that are just barely beginning to sprout up - not to reward booming markets. What does this all mean? For me, it instills a combination of reinvigorated belief and a sense of humility and gratitude.

The simple facts all around us lead to the conclusion that we are creating a major movement, the likes of which our industry has never before seen. It is so much bigger than any one of us in the Zrii family. And it goes well beyond meeting sizes, which continue to impress. It is a feeling, a vibration, a synchronicity. The stars that have aligned are incontestably iconic and consummately complementary. As I said in the Stars Aligning DVD, "Zrii has it.”

Tonight was special. Silicon soliloquies flowed freely. Curtis kept the meeting moving with style, Jason Domingo clearly outlined the opportunity before us, and I gave a wrap of our company growth to date and our momentum heading into our launch event, Illumination. Oh, and a new Zrii rock star was born. We all sat at the feet of a true Ayurvedic master in Dr. Suhas. This SAB member has eminent credibility as a medical doctor and a Zrii formulator. He had us all on the edge of our seats as he shared an incredible breadth of detailed yet easily digestible scientific insight into our formulation. Truly, to listen to Dr. Suhas live and in person is a blessing that everyone in the Zrii family should take advantage of at every opportunity. And if his beautiful wife, Dr. Manisha Kshirsagar, happens to join him again as she did tonight, you are in for a double treat with the Doctors Kshirsagar.

As always, several household name IEs were in attendance. In addition to 10-Star Jason Domingo, we were favored with the presence of 8-Stars Matt Chugg and William Boles. Three Field Advisory Board members were also in attendance. In addition to William, FAB members Len Ferace and MJ Anderson were on hand with large numbers of IEs and guests from their organizations. 7-Star Mark Rogers from Phoenix also made the trip to be with several of his team members.

After the meeting, there was a good deal of lingering of the most enjoyable variety – in and out of the ZriiVost with healthy snacks at arms’ length. During this time, one group of energetic ladies from the Santa Cruz area approached me with smiles on their faces and a special note in their hands. With their permission, I share the note:

“The Law of Attraction has brought together a group of us who have a passion for wholeness, fulfillment, and abundance on all levels for everyone. There is an awakening with Zrii, and Zrii is not a secret in Santa Cruz. We are sharing Zrii’s light and Zrii’s prosperity. The individual members of our group are blessed to live near the Kerala Ayurvedic Clinic of Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar and Dr. Tom Yarema."

-Dottie, Mackie, Jaya, Claire, Lisa, Lucy, Gari, Ellen, Crystal, Arlene, Cynthia, and Earlene

To the aforementioned leaders in Santa Cruz, thank you for passing along your feelings in such a meaningful way.

And now for the ZriiVost branding moment of the day. Early this morning, our driver, Steve Gainey, was driving the ZriiVost north on Interstate 5 through Kettleman City when another car came alongside him. To Steve’s surprise, a passenger in the car rolled down his window, and with fanfare, held up a bottle of Zrii high in the air before zooming ahead. The Zrii Freeway Salutation is born.

And finally, a special thank you goes out to Dr. Suhas for being a devoted reader of my blog! The compliment is appreciated. We look forward to seeing your friend and associate Dr. Tom very soon in Sacramento. Perhaps he will also feel inspired to probe the passages of the Zrii Bloghorn.

Well, the hour is late, and only our driver Steve and I remain awake. The Ryans and Curtis are out cold. No SportsCenter tonight. The ZriiVost is fast approaching our next destination in Sacramento. I and my sleeping friends look forward to a terrific conclusion to leg one of the ZriiVost tour in a few hours!



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